Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 95 - Hall of Fame | Dr Minil Patel – The Vegan Doctor’s Transformation Journey



Welcome back to another episode of RNT Fitness Radio, and I’m super excited for you all to listen to this one. A very special episode with close friend and long term training partner, Minil Patel. Minil’s story is interesting because while he’s been training hard for 10 years, he’s never had truly peeled back the layers to see what was underneath. This year he decided to flip the switch, and get absolutely shredded. What’s unique about his story is that he’s done it completely vegan, and working erratic shifts as a doctor, which is why we’ve coined him the Vegan Doctor in this episode today! During the podcast, we dive deep into veganism, his ethical reasons behind turning vegan two years ago, how he made the transition, as well as dispelling many of the myths that surround veganism and making progress in your physique. We also go into how this transformation process has reshaped Minil, and why the impact it’s had was only possible because he’d spent a decade building such a strong foundation. No matter