Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 92 - Hall of Fame | Raj Shah – How Raj Built His Physique To Achieve More In 5 Months Than 15 Years



Today I’m joined by fellow RNT’er, Raj Shah, who’s done exceptionally well over the past 8 months, completely transforming his body and changed his life through the process. Raj first came to us to achieve a lifelong goal of getting lean and revealing his abs, despite having tried for 15 years. 5 months into his journey, he’d got his six pack and completed a photoshoot! Since then, he’s successfully consolidated, moved to an Investment phase, and in this episode, he shares very candidly about his story, his struggles and the insights he’s developed through this journey. What started off as purely a physical goal has evolved into a complete mindset change; whether he’s at the gym, at work or at home with his family and two girls. We’ve also released his case study too to showcase his transformation, so be sure to check this out in the show notes. I hope you enjoy this one!  ‘’Trust the coach, trust the journey and trust the process’     0:47 – Raj’s hairstyle 3:01 – Starting in December and the Christma