Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 87 - Hall of Fame | Ranjana Bhat - How Jana Dropped 17kg & Built Muscle As A Full Time Working Mother Of Two



We’ve got a fun one in store for you today as I’m joined by fellow RNT’er, Ranjana, who’s been on a real journey with us at RNT over the past year. She started off with a goal of pure fat loss, and in her first 20 weeks she dropped 17kg to get into awesome shape! Since then, she’s consolidated very well and shifted gears to a performance focus, whereby her goal is very much strength oriented, and building the toned physique she’s after. In fact, what’s been exciting is that her bodyweight recently has actually gone up despite her dress size going down, which shows the power of progressive training and how the scale doesn’t always tell the full story! As a busy working mother of two, Jana dives into her routines, lifestyle hacks and mindset tricks she uses to ensure she’s able to live a healthy and productive lifestyle.  As the episode draws to a close, Jana flips the cards and decides to throw my own rapid fire segment onto me, which definitely caught me by surprise! This an awesome episode for anyone