Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 83 - The Seven Faces of Online Coaching



On today’s episode, I’m joined by the Hitman as we uncover the biggest missing pieces in an online coach’s toolbox. We dive deep into what we call the Seven Faces of Online Transformation Coaching, and how in order to be an effective, results-producing coach, you need to have the ability to know when/where/how/why you should wear each of the Seven Faces. The true art of coaching has been lost, and along with ‘base knowledge’ and ‘time & miles’ on the gym floor, the third pillar which is lacking is ‘adaptability’, and that’s where these Seven Faces come in. On today’s podcast, we’re going to unlock and discuss the Seven Faces, while introducing the new RNT Online Transformation Mastermind we’re launching in July that surrounds this. We ran a highly successful private cohort earlier this year, and we’re now ready to unleash it to the public! If you’re a coach or trainer, or you’re someone looking to come into our field, you don’t want to miss this episode, the article linked in the show notes, nor t