Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 81 - Hall of Fame | Sachin Khiroya – Going Through The Journey While Balancing Family, Finance & Fitness



Welcome back to another episode of RNT Fitness Radio, and today I’m joined by one of the members of the RNT Family, Sachin Khiroya. Sachin’s been working with us for over 18 months now and has been through many of the phases of the RNT journey. After first driving hard to get photoshoot lean and consolidating his condition, he’s embarked on a length Investment phase in order to build on his physique and continue to make improvements. In this episode, we dive deep into his why, and how it continues to drive him even through the different phases. We also talk about the infamous incident that happened during his photoshoot prep that caused me to write the article – Social Stigmas in Asian Culture’. Sachin’s story is very relatable. As a father of two young girls who works long hours in the City, he gives the very best tips you need to know to learn how to balance your fitness goals with all the other areas in your life. I really enjoyed this chat with Sachin, and I’m excited for you to dive in…  ‘’I