Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 76 - Hall of Fame | Diksesh Patel – How Diksesh Dropped 50kg At 50 Years Old To Change His Life



This may be one of the most awaited episodes we’ve ever released. It’s very rare that I’m caught speechless during a podcast, and today’s incredible episode with the legend that is Diksesh Patel, he left me with no words not once, but on two separate occasions. Diksesh has been on one incredible journey where’s he’s dropped 50kg at the age of 50, and completely transformed his body and life. Borderline diabetes, gone. Gout, gone. Cholesterol, gone.  His health markers are normalised, he’s packed on copious amounts of muscles, and he’s pushed himself harder both physically and mentally more than many are capable of doing. What I really admire about Diksesh is that there’s no excuses with this guy.  He runs multiple businesses, is an extremely active father to two boys, and has a very busy social life. But Diksesh knew his why, and in this extremely personal account, he goes deep into his childhood struggles, and candidly shares the emotional journey that comes with transforming your body against all od