Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 34 - Understanding Your HILPs and the Law of Duality w/ Manmeet Chowdhry



On today’s episode of RNT, we talk with Manmeet Chowdhry, an optimum performance trainer who helps people overcome the challenges holding them back from a fulfilled life. She’s also been mentored and taught personally by Dr. John Demartini! She will tell you about herself, her work, and most importantly, how to improve your life with optimum thinking, HILPs, and more. We will talk about fulfillment, relieving stress, and some other interesting things that can have a very positive impact on your life. “Just by changing your perception, you can change your reality.” - Manmeet Chowdhry   Timestamps: 0:51 – Manmeet Chowdhry talks about herself, what she does, and the amazing work of Dr. John Demartini and how it helped her. 9:41 – The difference between positive and negative thinking. But what about optimum thinking? 18:55 – The definition of HILPs (Hierarchy of individual life priorities). The master key of understanding yourself. 29:17 – The concept of infatuation and getting rid of it. The level of infa