Wedding Photography Podcast | How To Become A Successful, Full-time Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photography Tips

Lessons Learned In My First Year As A Father And Wedding Photographer



It’s been around a year since my wife and I welcomed into the world our first child, so I thought it was an appropriate time to reflect on the lessons I've learned trying to juggle being a father and a full-time wedding photographer. While I know that many of my listeners are parents, others may not be (and might have no intention of having kids), but I still think there are valuable insights we can all take away from these experiences. In this wedding photography podcast, I’ll share with you 10 lessons that I’ve learned in my first year of being both a father and wedding photographer. We’ll chat about the need to be highly efficient in the way you do things, as well as patient and understanding that making compromises in your business will be inevitable. I’ll also talk about how important it has been to have support from other people in my life, such as grandparents so that I can continue running my business. In sharing with you my experiences as both a father and wedding photographer running a full-time bus