The Tony Rossi Show

You’re Allowed to Have Fun - with Katelyn Collins



  Today’s episode features former actress-turned-copywriter, Katelyn Collins. Katelyn Collins is a copywriter and email strategist for online course creators. She’s responsible for crafting emails, sales pages, and Facebook ads for launches and evergreen campaigns that have generated upwards of $30k, $50k, $100k per launch.As one of the “weird theatre kids” growing up, she’s most inspired to make sure people know they never have to compromise their true personalities. Even in their businesses. Especially in the words they write.   Things we chat about… Katelyn’s “talk out loud” she uses at home Being an “excited person” Her transition out of acting and into entrepreneurship Her addiction to hustle - and how it has continued to follow her How a “summer of fun” which made Katelyn a better actress Something she did that drastically changed her monologues How to “follow the fun” Why she gave her self permission to quit acting Why leaving the industry wasn’t a fail What happens when we “shine our light” and how i