White Bitch Buffet

EP 27 - The 27 Club



Maxini and Laura introduce the 27th episode by talking about popular term "The 27 Club" which is about a large number of celebrities dying at the age of 27. Maxini gives the run down of a few well known celebrities that are included in this "club". She continues to explain her death arrangements. With the election right around the corner, the bitches introduce Massachusetts' ballot question 1 regarding the addition of slot parlors. Now that the girls have educated you on all 4 ballot questions, they remind you to get out and vote on November 8th! Lastly, it wouldn't be an October episode if Maxini and Laura didn't play a game of 20 Questions: Halloween Edition! Listen to see who wins this round! You may hear Meaghan in the background as she listened live throughout the episode!  www.whitebitchbuffet.com