On The Dresser

309 - Scarlet Road with Rachel Wotton



In this episode, Vanessa Carlisle chats with sex worker and activist Rachel Wotton (rachelwotton.com) about the org Touching Base in New South Wales, Austrailia. Rachel's work was featured in the 2011 documentary film "Scarlet Road." (scarletroad.com.au/trailer) Rachel discusses working in a decriminalized state and what that means for her and her clients. Danny Cruz tells Vanessa about the protests that lead to the first International Whores Day in the 1970s. The two discuss recent Whores Day events. Want to get in touch with the On The Dresser team? Send us your questions, comments, suggestions or signal boosts to onthedresser@gmail.com or find us on Facebook/Twitter @Onthedresser! Visit our website at www.onthedresserpodcast.com Co-Ho(st)s/Production team: Dr. Vanessa Carlisle (twitter.com/vcarlisle) Lauren Kiley (twitter.com/xoxolaurenkiley) Danny Cruz (twitter.com/adannyboy) Sex. Queers. Politics. You'll find all of it On the Dresser!