Earl Stewart On Cars

08.04.2018 - Your Calls, Texts, and Mystery Shop of Arrigo Dodge Chrysler Jeep



Earl and Nancy take a caller, Tara, from Tennessee. Rick tells you what not to use to rid your vehicle of bugs. A customer responds to Earl's request for feedback to the Costco Auto Buying Program. Listen to the Earl Stewart on Cars radio program every Saturday morning live from 8am to 10 am eastern time, or online on http://www.streamearloncars.com. Call in with your questions during the live show toll free at (877) 960-9960. You can also send a text to Earl and his expert team during the live show at (772) 497-6530. We are now on Facebook Live every Saturday between 8am and 10am. Go to facebook.com/earloncars to also watch it live or to watch a replay in case you missed it. Uncover additional automotive tips and facts at http://www.earlstewartoncars.com and follow Earl's tweets @EarlonCars. Watch Earl's videos on www.youtube.com/earloncars. “Disclosure: Earl Stewart is a Toyota dealer and directly and indirectly competes with the subjects of the Mystery Shopping Reports. He honestly and accurately repo