Full Stack Philosopher

E2 - We Choose To Go To The Moon



On September 12 1962 John F. Kennedy gave a speech at Rice University where he declared his plan to send man to the moon within the decade. I chose this as the first speech I would practice because it serves as a constant source of inspiration to me. This speech gives me chills each time I hear or read it, and it is the prime example, for me, of the power of speeches. I know I won’t do it justice, so I plan to return to it frequently. Hi I’m Jack, and I’m practicing reading aloud, I’m reading out loud because of the power of speeches. I plan to practice essays of my own, as well as others and great speeches that moved mankind forward. Since I’m doing this, I thought I might as well record it and put it out there in case someone else would like to listen. I consider this a conversation, I’m opening, feel free to join in. For my first go at this speech I’ll be reading a few excerpts. so without further ado...