Cinema Soapbox

WHIFFED, Or: How Two People Completely Devastated An Entire Fan Base In 6 Episodes



Cinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, Robbie Clark, and Josh Miller take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like how Robbie's the hose and it totally goes to his head. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones. Or how Armando gets fired instead of Josh. Or Game Of Thrones. Or Game Of Thrones Or how Robbie will now NEVER watch the show because of the final season. Or fucking coffee cups and water bottles. Or Game Of Thrones. Or how no one's really excited for Star Wars anymore. Or...Or... The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -