Cinema Soapbox

IMPORTANT, Or: How Everybody Loses and Citizen Cane Sucks



Cinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, your fearless leader, and Robbie Clark, the seniorest editor, take to their microphones to discuss the most important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or how this weather is defeating. Or how tequila cures everything. Or how some movies are better than others. Or how I can't remember everything we talked about a couple days ago. Or how Robbie's drinking the best drink in the world. Or how it takes us forty-five minutes to get to the meat of the show. Or which movies are among the top fifteen most important of all time according to the experts. The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -