Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 1x08: "Day Trip"



Welcome back to Meta Station! Grab your gun and crack open the jobi nuts, it’s time for a “Day Trip!” Join us as we take a deep dive into the way the show explores guilt and forgiveness, from the Jake Griffin of it all to the way Hallucination Jaha foreshadows Pike . . . with a side order of stoner chaos at the dropship camp, and a brief jaunt up to the Ark where we suddenly like Jaha and feel sorry for Shumway for a hot second. We’re in the end run towards the season one finale where every single episode is solid gold, so this was a fun one. Hope you enjoy and thanks for listening! All of you are the most beautiful broom in a broom closet of brooms. -------------------------------------------------------- 0:05 - Adventures in Unexpected Likability, Part 1: Poor Shumway?! 0:10 - Winter Was Supposed to Have Been Coming, Apparently, for a Hot (Cold?) Second 0:12 - Adventures in Unexpected Likability, Part 2: The Best of All Jahas 0:20 - In Jobi Veritas: Jasper Edition 0:29 - Miller Appreciation Time! 0:3