Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 1x07: "Contents Under Pressure"



Welcome back to Meta Station! Our hiatus is over and we’re back to yell in your ears about Season One. And hot damn, what an episode to come back to! This is one of our all-time faves of both the season and the series, so we’re full of wildly enthusiastic shouting about everything from Griffin family feels, the ethics of torture, actual human angel Vera Kane, how Diana Sydney is the Donald Trump of the Ark, a Finn storyline we don’t hate, the next-level prop details in that Eden Tree scene, PRINCESS MECHANIC, and the moment Claire first fell in love with Kane. DISCLAIMER: We recorded this episode the morning after the Senate healthcare vote, so we have a higher-than-usual number of politics thoughts, and also Erin is drunk. THIS WAS A FUN ONE, KIDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 – Hi! We’re Back! We Missed You Too! Also Erin’s Drunk! 0:02 – The Structure of This Episode Is So Good We Don’t Even Mind How Much of It Hinges on Finn 0:07 – Kane and Abby (and