Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 4x13: "Praimfaya" (Part 2, The Space Race)



Welcome back to Meta Station, for our VERY LAST SEASON FOUR RECAP *sniffles* *wipes tear* We continue to be full of all-caps love for the bonkers action movie thrill ride of “Praimfaya” and have a great deal of high-pitched screaming about everything from the Murphy/Monty bromance we never knew we needed to how canon Bravenlarke has never felt so achievable (a fact you will hear us casually pitch to the writers no less than four separate times). Along the way, Erin names the space kids “Motleykru,” we’re hyped to finally get the Emori/Raven girl geek teamup we’ve been craving since last season, and the fact that we contained the Bellarke flails to 25 minutes out of a 4.5+ hour two-parter is honestly pretty impressive, given ALL THAT GODDAMN FACE-TOUCHING. Thank you to everyone who has come alone on this rollercoaster with us! WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL _______________________________________ 0:00 – Monty & Murphy, Most Delightfully Reluctant of Bros 0:05 – “The Sad Jasper Detour”: Med