Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 4x09: "DNR"



Welcome back to Meta Station, after that way-too-long hiatus! We were decidedly 50/50 on this episode, brimming with love and affection for the heartfelt, earned character moments happening in Arkadia and Science Island, and HEAVILY side-eyeing the white savior "Chosen One" business happening over in Polis. (We also hated Octavia's whole storyline, which we posted as a stand-alone segment here: 0:00 - We Were REAL MIXED On this Episode’s Weird Blend of Intimate Character Moments and Bloodthirsty War Boners 0:02 - Murphy and Raven Shattered Our Hearts Into Tiny Pieces WHAT KIND OF GORGEOUS AND IMPECCABLY STRUCTURED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT 0:11 - Murphy Is So Happy to Have a Family Again 0:16 - We Don’t Think Raven’s Actually Going to Die, So What’s the Becca Hallucination Really Trying to Tell Her? 0:28 - Please God Please Let That 412 Plot Description Mean We’re Getting a Princess Mechanic Reunion 0:33 - Erin’s Space Theory Is Amazing 0:39 - Harper I