Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 4x08: "God Complex"



Welcome back to Meta Station for our last recap before midseason hiatus! We were thrilled to be joined by two very special guests, @hawthornewhisperer and @knowlesian, who are smart-as-heck analysts of the show and shared all kinds of brilliant insights with us. The delay in getting this recap uploaded was because having multiple people exponentially increases the editing hassle, but we promise it's worth it because these ladies are terrific. We covered 18th century British colonialism, Abby's emotional breakdown, Bill Cadogan's love of wordplay, Clarke and Murphy's relationship, Sassy Nihilist Jasper, how to rave responsibly (hint: bring a backpack), and tons of speculation about where the season might be going next, both things we're hoping for (Becca flashbacks!) and things we're side-eyeing (Commander Clarke???). Come join the lady nerd party! ---------- 0:00 - 100% Not Apologizing For Beginning This Podcast With Twelve Minutes of Jaha Dragging 0:12 – Let’s Talk About Harper 0:23 – Bree, Niylah, and