Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Claire and Erin Interview Jason Rothenberg!



We can't believe this either, but we just spent an hour and a half talking to Jason Rothenberg! He approached us 2 weeks ago to tell us he's a fan of the podcast and would love to come talk to us, WHICH IS INSANE TO US TO YOU GUYS, FOR REAL, and ended up giving us a full hour longer than we were scheduled. To get this up as fast as possible, we've edited nothing, so please forgive Skype glitches, interruptions, lots of "um", and all of us talking over each other. But we had a fantastic, complex conversation on everything from leadership themes in season 4 to fandom and social media. Anyway, we need to go walk it off because like WE SORT OF STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED???, but we hope you enjoy!