Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Season 4 Trailer: Predictions and Flailing! (UNEDITED)



Kabby sex! Bellarke snuggles! Dark Octavia! Power vacuum in in Polis! Drones chasing Raven! Radiation! Explosions! Literal, actual, mountains of corpses! There was a LOT to unpack in the Season 4 trailer, and we are HELLA FUCKING PSYCHED about the direction the show seems to be headed in. So like .... of course we had two hours' worth of things to say about it. Two vital disclaimers about the following podcast: 1) We wanted to get our s4 predictions up the day the trailer aired, so this was a quick and dirty version. We have not edited at all. Like, at ALL. So try not to think of it like a nice, polished, cleaned-up podcast and more like you’re eavesdropping on a Claire and Erin phone call – which begins (as they all do) with hysterical giggling, and ends (as they all do) with Erin’s husband telling us to get off the phone because we’ve been talking for way too long. It is rambly and interrupty and there is background noise and coughing and it does not sound fancy or professional in ANY WAY, so just know th