Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

Episode 1x05: "Twilight's Last Gleaming"



Welcome back to Meta Station! After a not-entirely-planned hiatus due to an avalanche of Life Stuff for both of us, we’re back with the second half of our 104/105 podcast! LET’S HAVE SOME FEELS ABOUT THE CULLING, MY DUDES! It turns out that the answer to “Are Claire and Erin, in fact, capable of covering an entire episode in just over an hour?” is “Yes, if it is preceded by five hours of watching two episodes back-to-back and then discussing another episode and it is very late and we are tired and punchy and our brains are mostly dead.” Don’t worry, I edited out all the parts where one of us just sort of . . . . trailed off into nowhere. THERE WERE A LOT. 0:00 - Nope, No Intro, Just STRAIGHT Into the Jake Flailing 0:08 – So We're All Agreed That the Culling Storyline Is the Best Thing This Show Has Ever Done, Yes? 0:12 – The Tragedy of the Culling Is That Everyone To Blame Was Just Trying To Save Someone Else 0:16 – It's Time For Another Installment of "Why Is Jaha the Worst?" 0:17 – "He's the Jafar of