Catholic Home School Moms

22: Homeschooling for a Season with Kim Tisor



Kim Tisor is a mother, a morning show host for a local radio program, and she is also a fellow podcaster. Kim has 3 children ranging from 6-11 and she has been married for 17 years. Kim was a convert to Catholicism after being raised as a Southern Baptist. Kim home schooled her children for awhile, and made a year by year decision as to whether they would continue it. Eventually, it came time to make a different choice. Kim is here to share her journey to those decisions for her family. We will also learn: How Kim came to home school her children initially How she balanced homeschooling with her career What caused her to send her children back to traditional school for now How the Holy Spirit plays a role in her decision making process A surprising fact about February How she went from protestant to Catholic The role Advent played into her conversion What drew her to the Advent traditions Why her denomination choice had to be a family decision The purpose of her podcast about Catholicism How she infuse