Nature Has Flavor Podcast

Registered Dietitian Sharon Palmer On Plant - Based Diets



On today's episode of the podcast, we chat with Sharon Palmer, a Los Angeles-based Registered Dietitian (RD) who authored the popular books The Plant-Powered Diet and Plant-Powered for Life. Sharon also runs her own blog where she shares detailed nutrition information with a focus on the plant-based lifestyle. Sharon talks about her background and career and goes in-depth on a lot of fascinating plant-based nutrition issues. Just some of what we discuss... -Sharon's education at Loma Linda University, where she underwent an extensive nutrition program with a plant-based focus. -Sharon's work as a Registered Dietitian -Sharon's work as a nutrition writer, and the scope of nutrition media in 2016 -Omega 3 fatty acids, and whether or not we should be supplementing with algae-based Omega 3 sources -Iodine in the vegan diet, and Sharon's tips on avoiding iodine deficiency -Sharon's thoughts on the research surrounding low-fat plant-based diets and fat restriction -What Sharon eats on a daily basis -Supple