Mega Late Show

MLS 140: "Good Kid Yamanote City" Featuring VivaOla with Wez Atlas



Back again with the guys of Solgasa! Solgasa is one of the dopest music/art collectives coming out of Tokyo. This time we have VivaOla and Wez Atlas. VivaOla is an R&B singer-songwriter and producer. His music is an interesting and unique combination of Neo-soul, R&B and hip-hop. His new track "Runway" is phenomenal and guaranteed to get you moving. Joining as guest co-host is Solgasa emcee, Wez Atlas. We had on Wez back on episode 133 with Tommi Crane. Check that out for more details about his approach to art. Here we discuss VivaOla's upbringing in central Tokyo, having ethnically Korean parents, learning to play music, going to school with Wez Atlas and working with the Solgasa Collective. I really feel like these guys are on the cusp of blowing up. So tune in now so you look prepared later. Check them out in all the social media outlets. Lots of videos on YouTube and they're even in Clubhouse now. All background music by my man Soul.Dope.95 he's one of the best bear makers out. Listen to me, I