Mega Late Show

Mls 131 Part 2: featuring Jet Axel



Part two! Back again with the encyclopedic mind of Jet Axel. Real name! Check out part one to hear about Jets experiences in modeling and his upcoming show with the Tokyo Music Channel. Here Jet and I talk almost exclusively about music. We start off with some hip-hop talk and then jet introduces me to several Japanese artists. My dumbass forgot to get him to play some of his own music but he should be back sometime next month. So pay attention. Here are some of the artist and things we discuss: Aesop rock, R.A.P Ferriera fka Milo, Aaron Choulai, Dos Monos, Otoboke Beaver, Daaljub Step Club, Shiina Ringo, Penguin Rush and Crack/lack We mention friend of the show/ writer Patrick St Michel and jet also talks about finding the avant garde music scene in Tokyo Thanks for checking! Follow us on instagram, Facebook and Twitter Final song: Zazen Boys Tengu All background music from Soul.Dope.95!! @jetaxel Japan Alternative sessions pod @jetaxel @lesteze @soundgiggy @soul.dope.95 @megalateshow