Mega Late Show

MLS 126: "Not the Western Koto" Featuring Miyama McQueen-Tokita w/ Aaron Choulai



Miyama McQueen-Tokita is a classically trained professional Koto and bass koto musician from Melbourne, Australia. This week she joins us alongside jazz pianist, hiphop producer, friend of the show and Namboku Records label head, Aaron Choulai. Miyama joins us to discuss her debut solo record "Sonobe." Through the album she conveys her unique and contemporary approach to the centuries old instrument. We discuss : - Miyama's introduction to the instrument and traditional training - How the koto is different from other contemporary classical instruments - Being comfortable performing in Japan as a half Japanese Australian woman - The subtle changes in Japanese society insofar as their perception of foreigners - Where to find koto performances in Tokyo and noise/ experimental music scene - Some upcoming performances in Tokyo and performing Koto in New York - Change the perception of traditional koto music and continuing the tradition by expressing her uniqueness through the instrument - being the c