Mega Late Show

MLS 114 Part 2: "People Are Strange" featuring Ra Ra Raj w/ MC Boodah



Part 2! Musical Shares and such!!! I fucked around and mistakenly perma deleted about an hour of content during this recording. But Boodah and Ra Ra had enough time for us to run it back. So i apologize for my frustration for the first few minutes. But we turned it around and had some interesting and dope convos regarding new music from Raj, new music from Boodah, and a bunch weird rap music. We also discuss the desire for Tokyo hiphop shows that only focus on local and independent music. We know how to protect our necks, so play something else, hiphop dj. Go back and check out part one for more insight into Raj's music. @mcboodah @rararajbeats @megalateshow