Mega Late Show

MLS081 ft. YescaOne and Remixer



A-yo! This episode we've got something special. A pair of illustrious guests from the world of graffiti. Yesca and Remix have decades worth of experience between, and have been getting busy all worldwide having ended up in Asia. Often considered the red-headed stepchild of hip-hop, this element is often overlooked when the culture is considered, but we make sure to take the time to highlight its importance along with the history and contributions of our guests. Of course, with the unfortunate legality difficulties around graf, its always risky to discuss so openly and shine light on the activities of the participants, so we're expecting all our listeners to #StopStichinStopLyin and just enjoy this premo content. Lots of gems in here. Do your googles, Links: @yescanada_ (Insta) @megalateshow