Mega Late Show

MLS #028: "Culturally Appropriate" w/ Patrick St. Michel



Yo This week were pleased to bring you a conversation with one of Japans most salient figures in music culture. Patrick St Michel is a writer, blogger and the creator of MakeBelieveMelodies dot com. Hes written for a large number of publications & websites such as The Japan Times, Pitchfork, Stereo Gum, Metropolis magazine, and Vice. Patrick has been writing about indie and mainstream Japanese music culture for almost a decade and his knowledge is VAST. Most recently he contributed to Bloomsbury's 33 1/3rd series about the sensational electro-pop band, Perfume, and their highly acclaimed album "Game." Patrick sat down and gave us some super interesting insight into the world of the Japanese music scene. We talk about everything from Pikotaro and vocaloid mumble rap to Idol group gang wars and Stezes dislike of SMAP. In fact, Patrick was so insightful that we had to make him our official J-pop field correspondent. There was too much to be contained into an hour long episode, so we kept it going for almost 2