Mega Late Show

MLS025: In Celebration of Us w/ Skyzoo



The incredible guest list persists! This week we've got one of the most talented cats making music today, the incredible, indelible, SKYZOO. He was out here all the way from Brooklyn, continuing to tell people his thoughts on gentrification, validation, being black, raising a child, cultural appropriation and more in the dopest possible way. We were celebrating his newest and perhaps his best work yet, In Celebration of Us, which just came out. Do your Googles. If you haven't heard it, get busy finding it. It's a treasure map of facts and dense af. We talk to him about his creative process and try to gain more insight into the tracks presented. Plus we ask the important questions like who he ghost wrote for and ranking the greatest hiphop albums of the 90s. Make sure you check out our calendar to find out what's going down in Tokyo. In Celebration of Us is available on all the major media resources. Do yourself a favor and order a copy. Also be sure to support MEGA LATE SHOW by going to Cal Combs dot