Mega Late Show

MLS会話: Some L.A. Tanaka's ft. DJ Sean G



Last kaiwa episode of the year! This was also recorded awhile back, and on Late's potato so bear with the audio quality, but we're happy to finally be able to release this conversation with Sean G! @magicseanson is a DJ out of Los Angeles who is affiliated with the group Pac Div. He talks about his proclivities as a DJ, how he sees the international scene, being a DJ for the L.A. Clippers, and more! Thanks to all the Tanaka's for listening, we've got one more in store for ya'll before the end of the year. Don't forget to go to and cop some gear from our favorite friendly neighborhood rapper! Get 25% off all purchases over $30 when you use the promo code "megalateshow"! -------------------------------------- Please peep our Weather Forecast calendar to stay up on all the dope culture shows going on in Tokyo! Link above and below! It will be updating regularly and we'll do our best to make sure nothing gets missed. If you want your