Issa Mood

Every Black Girl That Went To College Like Drake



Hello friends! We are back with another episode and this week Lex is prepping for Insecure Season 3 (August 12th, folks, mark your calendars!). Lex is joined by their lovable (and sometimes problematic) producer Jess and the two debate over Lawrence's 'good guy' aesthetic and Dro's "open marriage" (air quotes cause light skin). The two share some personal stories on what their ideas of dating looks like, which include Jess making a possibly flawed argument for having your cake and eating it too and Lex admitting to their flirtatious ways. This episode does contain a ton of Insecure Season 2 spoilers so if you're not caught up yet (but, like, how), make sure you do before giving this episode a listen. After you're done listening, go over and check out this week's playlist, especially made for the chicks that love Drake: We hope you enjoy, friends. Thanks for listening.