Illuminate Together Radio

Illuminate Together Radio ~ Finally Listening To My Eleven Year-Old Self



Finally Listening To My Eleven Year-Old Self by Patty Blue Hayes Patty was formerly a married woman who believed in forever and happily ever after. Her identity was that of the supportive, nurturing wife. Her lack of autonomy and dependence on her spouse significantly intensified the crippling pain when the marriage ended abruptly. She was broken. As a writer, she immediately began to journal about the experience and is currently editing her book, "Slutty, Suicidal and Acts of Service, how I barely survived a broken heart". The book chronicles the dark days and manic nights when life as she knew it ceased to exist. Patty shares her vulnerable story in an effort to let others know they are not alone in their experience. She dusted off her faith and set forth on a path of healing and self-discovery. Now, as a certified trainer of the 'Infinite Possibilities' program based on the book by Mike Dooley, and a life coach, she works with women in the throws of heartbreak and divorce. Learn more http://www.pat