Seneca Community Church Messages

Margin: Making Room for Life - Part 6: Technology



When did you get your first cell phone? What kind was it? What did it do for you? For many of us, our cell phones have come a long way since that first one. Somewhere along the way, those phones we went from just making calls to doing almost everything BUT making calls. Subtly, they have taken over to the point where many of us get a little nervous if we leave the house without it. That brings us to the question, "Do we use our phones (technology) or do they use us?" "Have our devices become our vices?" We could make the point, by experience, that if we are not intentional with technology, it will steal from us our margin physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Margin will be subtlety eroded until your back is against the wall with no space between your load and your limit)! Join us as we wrap up our series Margin: Making Room For Life with a hard conversation on technology. Don't worry we won't be asking you to go back to a flip phone, but we will all hopefully come a