Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tip (7 - Turn yourself into a business account) - The Social Media Podcast



SET-UP AS A BUSINESS ACCOUNT When you initially set-up your instagram it’s done as a personal account. This is all fine, however, it means you lost out on some amazing options you only get when you set-up as a business account. This is why it’s so advisable to switch to a business account as soon as possible. Instagram offers awesome free tools to business accounts. If you’re currently set up as a personal profile, consider converting it to a business profile. Doing so offers valuable benefits including the following: * The ability to see data analysis about your impressions and engagement * Giving users the option to text, email, or call your business from your Instagram profile Imagine putting out a piece of content and not allowing people to contact you once they’d seen it as your contact details are not available, that’s why a personal account does, but a business profile all the above can be tapped and that contact can be made instantly.