Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tip (4 - Talk To People) - The Social Media Podcast



INSTAGRAM GROWTH TIP 4 Talk to people So, here’s a question for you, and be honest in the comments………Do you reply to the comments you get on your content? If you’re getting any comments on your content, you should be looking to respond. It seems that a lot of accounts, especially business account, ignore the comments under their own posts. Trust me, I understand it, especially those one word comments that you can’t be sure if it’s spam, a bot or fake. However, it is still important to check your comments and respond to the best of your ability, acknowledging your real followers and commenters. It shows people who are just browsing through your profile that you do pay attention to your community, which gives them an extra reason to follow your account. Besides, a number of comments are a much stronger engagement indicator to the algorithm, so encourage conversations and discussions! Instagram is a social network. Remember, I’ve spoken about this before……that integral word……SOCIAL. So, be social a