Simon Scholes




ARE YOU USING TWITTER LISTS? The right Twitter list can help you find, monitor and interact with the right people easily, and allow you to be the James Bond of the business world by spying on different people without them even knowing. That’s right, you can stay up to date with the competition and what they’re doing on twitter, and more importantly right now, what they’re not doing. A few years ago, twitter was all the rage and everyone in business was using it in the hope of sending that one magical (impossible) tweet that would win them a million pound contract. When that didn’t happen, most of these businesses shut up shop on twitter and just post randomly now and again, so this is the perfect opportunity for you to get out there and start communicating. So, why lists? #1: Monitor Competitors Keep your competitors’ Twitter accounts in one handy list so you can easily monitor their tweets. It’s an excellent way to see how they interact on Twitter: scope out their activities, view their updates, check