Simon Scholes




HOW CONSISTENT ARE YOU? We’ve all heard about how long content lasts on different social media channels. BLOGS 2 YEARS PINTEREST 4 MONTHS YOUTUBE 20 DAYS LINKEDIN 24 HOURS INSTAGRAM 8 HOURS FACEBOOK 5 HOURS TWITTER 18 MINUTES And these are constantly changing and reducing in life spans as the formats grow themselves. So, this raises the question, HOW CONSISTENT ARE YOU with your content. Without consistency, the chances are you content is getting lost in the throng, unless you’ve already got a huge dedicated audience, so you need to start thinking about posting more content. This is one of the most daunting things I speak to brands and businesses about, especially when I explain how much content I’m releasing on a daily basis, and I know I’m not doing enough. Now we can’t all have a team of creators behind us like people like @garyvee, @grantcardone etc. etc. however, we can all find the time to do more with our content and make more every single week. Start with writing a blog, and then build on that