Simon Scholes




STOP AIMING FOR PERFECTION : One of the biggest things that’s stops people from putting out content is other peoples opinions of their content or even more so, aiming to get that perfect piece of content. It’s a huge fear, and it’s especially prevalent not just in content but it's also the same when it comes to going out and doing live video. We tend to find we’re all too cautious about what others will say about what we’re saying. The big thing we have to remember is we’re a voice of authority in our field of expertise, and frankly as you’re bloody awesome, it’s none of your business what anyone else thinks about you. We’re not going to appeal to everyone who sees our content. I can be 100% sure not everyone likes what I’ve got to say or the way I’m saying it, so they’ll tune out of my message, I do however know, my message is on point, on brand and RIGHT. So, when it comes to going live, remove that nobhead syndrome, you’re not an imposter, you’re a voice of authority, and people are going to gain