Weed + Grub

Building a Weed Utopia with David Bienenstock



David Bienenstock (Great Moments In Weed History) rolls up with Mike and Mary Jane to share his views on the future of cannabis, the horrors of the War on Drugs, what it was like to go up against Tucker Carlson, and tee up a special ep of his GMIWH podcast dropping this Friday. But first, Mike and MJ nom on Milk cookies and talk binaural beats, dream hacks and the best news of all: New Jersey legalized weed!  LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTUNES / GIVE US 5 STARS / CIRCOOKIE DE SO-YUM? Music by Jesse Case Weed + Grub IG Great Moments In Weed History Great Moments In Weed History IG Bienenstock on Tucker Carlson BOTW: @chartown & @outsideraudio