Weed + Grub

Delta-8-THC & Pastrami Suprises™



Mike and Mary Jane try Delta-8 for the first time and get on high horses about stoner stigma and Clubhouse recap​-​of​-​recap​-​of​-​recap rooms. They marvel at ​the ​packages of treats they received (Tate's Cookies! ​Maple syrup! ​Katz's Deli​ meat​!) and decide to trademark everything™ so they can get rich. LEAVE A REVIEW / SMASH 5 STARS / ​IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO TATE™ Music by Jesse Case Weed + Grub IG Rolling Stone Delta-8-THC article Root & Rebound New Leaf Toolkit Corvain Cooper's GoFundMe Sex, Chocolate & Cannabis panel - Feb. 8, 4:30pm PST ​BOTW: @corvaincooper & @cannasexual