Emancipation Podcast Station

The Roaring 20's



Countries   Skylar - United States - The United States was making very dramatic changes in the 1920’s. For the first time in forever people were actually living in bigger Cities rather than living on farms in the middle of nowhere. The united states worth doubled. A lot of people were kind of confused at first on what was happening, but it ended up being a pretty cool time for the united states. Gabe - Russia - in the early 1920s russia had a civil war which put the bolshevik party into leadership and they made the chaka which then changed names a couple times and turned into the KGB and then soon the bolshevik was renamed to the russian communist party and right after the USSR was created   Ella - In the soviet union in 1920 The Soviet Union was formed and Joseph Stalin became the commander in 1922. Also in the 20s, 15 republics in Asia were united. That’s about all. Hunter- Europe- during this time in Europe it was known as the “Golden Twenties” reason being was because of the rapid growth of the Eu