Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast

#76 How to heal joint and neck pain, the health benefits of Castor Oil, and what does poop color say about your health? With Dr. Marisol



Welcome back to another episode of the Waist Away podcast! Today's guest is Doctor Marisol. She's a naturopathic doctor. Because of her passion for gut health and cleansing, she is known as the “Queen of Thrones”. She's a world leader in natural medicine and we're so excited to have her on the show this week!  video version: https://youtu.be/f-o9w0LzWuk Dr. Marisol's website: https://www.drmarisol.com/   LISTENER QUESTIONS Q1 - 37:37 My friend got something called the Squatty Potty. It's a stool that sits around your toilet and lifts up your knees so you're sitting like a caveman when you poop. She said this is the way nature intended us to poop, lol. I have never heard of this before and what is the truth behind it? Do you agree with it?  - Joann in Virginia Beach.   Q2 - 39:47 I've tried everything natural to help me go, and it seems like everything works for a short amount of time and then all of the sudden it stops working. I've tried Senna Tea, Aloe Lax, Smooth Move just to name a few. Why is i