Alaska Tracy Podcast

#49 ~ Keep Moving Forward with Richard Ralston



What a thrill to interview my current accountability coach Richard Ralston!   I met Richard in a course I took to create and grow my membership site. Visions to Profits, a Women's Success Community.  Women seeking calmness, clarity, and prosperity are guided on a success pathway using my Vision Mapping Framework.  Each week I offer Focus Forward meetings and I was struggling with expectations of getting the participants to attend.    Richard has been instrumental in helping me to see that I had put unrealistic expectations on them. He showed me a simple process of creating a system to get people to show up.  It is brilliant and working.   Richard's focus is on helping people step forward each week to complete one task on the long list of to-dos. I think of him as a Chief Encourager. His specialty or superpower is helping course creators and membership owners to set up Accountability Groups (Pods) that help their members make progress faster so they can get the results they desire sooner.   Thanks for