Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 28 -Success Story with Bill Benoist



Thank you for listening to this episode!  It was an honor to interview Bill Benoist, Professional Certified Leadership and Career Coach. There seems to be a theme when interviewing people and asking questions about their journey to success. Six years ago I met Bill on a Tweet Chat with several other leaders. I have interviewed Terri Glass, Chris Edmonds, and Zachary Jeans. I talk about how Twitter and Tweet Chats can grow your business and your life in Episode 5. These four individuals have helped my business and life grow.   There is also a common theme among everyone I have had the opportunity to interview. The theme of their success includes key ingredients: having a Vision, listening to their heart, creating and taking steps to achieve their desired results, having supportive partners and a network of people to bounce ideas off of, letting GO and trusting the process, and above all else, giving to others. In all my interviews, success is defined when hearing from a client or someone they helped and lea