12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Catherine Saykaly-Stevens ramps up audience growth for your brand /Ep 2851



Catherine Saykaly-Stevens is an author, speaker, consultant, trainer, and host. She has worked in IT for over 20 years.Catherine is currently the owner of The Networking Web where she specializes in Audience Growth and Fan-Engagement Social Media Consulting and Training for group courses or for one-on-one consulting.She trains authors, entrepreneurs, writers, and speakers how to how quickly and easily making a shift in your work can bring audience growth, increased fan-engagement, and expedite reach & influence, resulting in more sales. She does this with the ‘Social Media Quick Start Program’, a 10-week, step-by-step system. She is also the co-creator of Emergency Hashtags, an Evolutionary Business Council initiative to save lives and get people to safety during an urban crisis. Catherine is also the author of "Social Media Strategies for Writers".In her downtime, Catherine's projects include fiction (novel and screenplay) and transmedia development. Catherine has spent over twenty years working with the