12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Tamara Green, Elevates the Lives of People Touched by Cancer by Providing Dynamic Mind-body Wellness Tools /Ep2850



Tamara Green, LCSW is a speaker, an international best selling author of her book Live Calm With Cancer (and Beyond…). Along with her husband David, she elevates the lives of people touched by cancer by providing dynamic mind-body wellness tools. This couple envisions a world where people access their natural wisdom and resiliency to architect a joyful life through self-care and loving-kindness, unleashing a worldwide epidemic of wellness. Tamara is a speaker and trainer, dubbed by Elle Magazine as “The Soul ­centered Psychotherapist and Meditation Facilitator.” As an acclaimed clinician, she is often featured as a behavioral health expert on Today, Bravo and Elle. Tamara combines her many years of professional training and life experience, such as caregiving David, while he was undergoing treatment for stage-4 cancer, to create powerfully effective guided meditations that have helped thousands to achieve peace, love, and well­being. Since their cancer journey, Tamara and David have created the Loving Meditat