12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Henrik de Gyor is a vendor-neutral consultant at Another DAM Consultancy /Ep2744



Henrik de Gyor is a vendor-neutral consultant at Another DAM Consultancy Who assists, advises and advocates for clients across a wide variety of mid-size organizations to Fortune 500 companies. Previously, Henrik has worked within the fields of automobiles, advertising, education, finance, journalism, manufacturing, marketing, media, retail, and technology. Henrik is also an active podcaster and writer of several published books. When Henrik is not traveling, he resides in Bluffton, South Carolina with his wife. Websites: amazon.com/author/henrikdegyor  henrikdegyor.com anotherdamconsultancy.com Support us on Patreon: www.Patreon.com/12minconvos Listen to another #12minconvo